Are you taking care of your skin?
If you’re getting married or have an important occasion coming up there are lots of things you have to ensure you have ready - the perfect outfit and accessories, shoes, and a plan for less than perfect weather. One thing you should also consider is looking after your skin to give you the best possible complexion for the day.
It’s something that can easily be forgotten about, especially if you’re in a particular routine with your skincare, but making sure you’re using the right products for your skin can make a huge difference.
Here are some top tips to take care of your skin before the big day:
Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and to keep your skin hydrated and elastic
Exfoliate weekly. It’s important not to exfoliate too often or too little. As a general rule, once or twice a week is enough to get rid of dead skin cells.
Cleanse, tone and moisturise twice a day, and consider using a serum. There are times when removing your makeup at the end of the day can seem like a drag but it’s vital to keeping your skin in top condition to follow this process twice a day. Serums can help with dry skin, ache and brightening of the skin and is a great addition to your skincare routine.
Use an makeup with an SPF to protect your skin from UV rays. Even on cloudy days, having an SPF protect your skin is vital.
Skincare doesn’t have to be tricky, but if you’re struggling I can help.
Did you know I offer a skin consultation as part of my MakeUp Masterclasses? I will assess the products you are currently using and any concerns you have, and can make expert recommendations on alternative products which might benefit your skin.
If you're ready for your skin to shine and your makeup look updated get in touch.
Brooke xo